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Shalla Library

The Edison Marathi Shalla offers the following Marathi Story Books to its students to read and enjoy. The books may be borrowed from the library volunteers, who will be available for a duration of about 30-45 minutes each weekend between the time that overlaps between the two class times. For e.g. for this year, between 11:45 am - 12:15 pm in the corridor right outside the classrooms. The books can be kept for a maximum of two weeks and each student can borrow at most 3 books at a time. An adult must be present to check out the books, however the books can be returned by sending it with your child. Please stop by and meet our new librarians.

The books are numbered for easy reference. Books already borrowed by students are indicated by "(OUT)" after the book number below.

Please treat the books with care. Happy Reading!

Book Catalog
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